
Posts Tagged ‘Magician

This Magician card is numbered “1” in the major arcana.  Usually, the Fool card precedes it in the order of the cards as it is numbered “0”.  The number one stands for a new beginning.  So the Magician represents a new beginning on the fool’s journey(the spirit’s journey) through this current incarnation.

When you see the Magician be assured that you’re on the verge of beginning “something new” and that this “something new” will be very significant in your life.  We know that it is significant because a major arcana card is involved.

The card is usually shown with each symbol from the four suits – a cup, a pentacle, a sword and a wand.    Thus, the “something new” can be anything!

The magician also refers to the power of your will. The magician card reminds you that you have the power of your will to effect the change you want to see in your life!



This site explains the meaning of each of the tarot cards and how to read them.

We’ll work with one card at a time so we can give in depth information.

Our background involves nearly 30 years experience in the study and reading of cards. We study and follow the practices of taoism, bhuddism, numerology, astrology, dream interpretation and more. We'll go into astrology, numerology, taoism and other religions/beliefs, but this will be limited to the extent these various fields have on tarot card interpretation.

The order of the lessons will be fairly random. A good place to start is with the major arcana cards and then move onto each suit of the minor arcana cards. Take a look at the tags for major arcana information.

Tarot Readings

Because I'm so often asked for Tarot Readings, you may contact me or my friends at the following:

Please note, my hours are irregular as I only read when the time is right. The same goes for my friends.

We do charge fees. My fees vary depending on my mood :) This is for entertainment purposes only and you must be over 18. Please no questions regarding medical issues or investments. Thank you and I can't wait to hear from you. It is a pleasure and honor to read for each and everyone of you!

-Love and light to you

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